Colon Island  in Bocas Del Toro Beaches to Know

Colon Island in Bocas Del Toro Beaches to Know

The International Airport is located on Colon Island, Bocas del Toro, also you can fine most of the hotels, restaurants, bars, tour operators, and businessess. Bocas Del Toro is compost of several islands in the Panama Caribbean side. The islands that I knew are: Colon Island: The main island, commonly called Bocas Town. Carenero Island: This island is the closest to Colon Island, it’s quite small and you could give a ...

Bocas Del Toro, how to go from Panama?

Bocas Del Toro, how to go from Panama?

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If you ask to all Panamanian which place to visit into their country, I am pretty sure that all of them would mention you "Be pa Bocas", because this paradise is formed by an Archipelago whose islands has a particular charm. Bocas del Toro is located to the west of Panama and it has limits with Costa Rica, specifically with the provinces of Limón and Puntarenas. It is a destination ...